Saturday, February 2, 2013

Loving Our Neighbors

I pray that  ______________ will grow to love You, Lord our God, with all their hearts, and with all their souls, and with all their strength, and with all their minds. Enable them to love their neighbors as they love themselves. For this is what You, Lord our God, want them to do—to respect You, Lord our God, and do what You tell them to do. You want them to love You, serve You with their whole being, and obey Your commands and laws that You give them for their own good. Prompt them to be careful to obey every command You give them to follow and to love You, Lord our God, to do what You tell them to do and be loyal to You. (Luke 10:27; Deut. 10:12-13; 11:22, all ncv paraphrased)

1. Fill in the blank  above with the name or names of those you would like to pray for. 

2. You may also want to turn this into a prayer for yourself. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

God’s Love Continues Forever

“I will always sing about the Lord’s love; I will tell of his loyalty from now on. I will say, ‘Your love continues forever; your loyalty goes on and on like the sky.’ Lord, the heavens praise you for your miracles and for your loyalty in the meeting of your holy ones. Who in heaven is equal to the Lord? None of the angels is like the Lord. When the holy ones meet, it is God they fear. He is more frightening than all who surround him. Lord God All-Powerful, who is like you? Lord, you are powerful and completely trustworthy.” (Ps. 89:1-2, 5-8 ncv)

1. Express your praises to our All-Powerful Lord.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

His Counsel Stands Forever

Sovereign Lord, Your counsel stands forever, the purposes and thoughts of Your heart to all generations. “But I cried to him,'My God, who lives forever. . . . In ages past you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Even they will perish, but you remain forever; they will wear out like old clothing. You will change them like a garment, and they will fade away. But you are always the same; your years never end. The children of your people will live in security. Their children’s children will thrive in your presence.’” Say, Amen! Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might be to You, Almighty God, forever and ever. Amen! (Ps. 33:11 kjv paraphrased; Ps. 102:24a-28 nlt not paraphrased; Rev. 7:12 kjv paraphrased)

1. Reflect on the truth that God's counsel stands firm forever. 

2. How does God's Word make you feel more secure?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

God Is My Protection

“The ways of God are without fault. The Lord’s words are pure. He is a shield to those who trust him. Who is God? Only the Lord. Who is the Rock? Only our God. God is my protection. He makes my way free from fault. He makes me like a deer that does not stumble; he helps me stand on the steep mountains.”  “You protect me with your saving shield. You support me with your right hand. You have stooped to make me great. You give me a better way to live, so I live as you want me to.” “The Lord lives! May my Rock be praised. Praise the God who saves me!” (Ps. 18:30-33, 35-36, 46 ncv)

1. List the things that the Lord does for us when we trust Him.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Glorify His Name Forever

“I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.” “Your righteousness reaches to the skies, O God, you who have done great things. Who, O God, is like you?” How great are Your signs, how mighty Your wonders! Your kingdom is an eternal kingdom; Your dominion endures from generation to generation. “I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds.” Lord, You have done great things for me, and I am filled with joy. (Ps. 86:12; Ps. 71:19 not paraphrased; Dan. 4:3 paraphrased; Ps. 77:12 not paraphrased; Ps. 126:3 paraphrased)

1. What great things has the Lord done in your life? 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Lord, my times are in Your hands. When I am with You, I learn wisdom, and from Your mouth come knowledge and understanding. Help me, Holy Counselor, to be wise in the way I act toward others, including outsiders, and to make the most of every opportunity. Teach me how to carry on conversations that are always full of grace and seasoned with salt, so that I may know how to answer everyone. (Ps. 31:15a; Prov. 2:6; Col. 4:5-6, all paraphrased)

1. Ask the Lord for wisdom in regard to the way you act toward others. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Make the Most of Every Opportunity

Lord, my times are in Your hands. When I am with You, I learn wisdom, and from Your mouth come knowledge and understanding. Help me, Holy Counselor, to be wise in the way I act toward others, including outsiders, and to make the most of every opportunity. Teach me how to carry on conversations that are always full of grace and seasoned with salt, so that I may know how to answer everyone. (Ps. 31:15a; Prov. 2:6; Col. 4:5-6, all paraphrased,  A Woman’s Walk with God, 49)